Home Education A Complete Guide That Will Help You In The Academic Writing Process

A Complete Guide That Will Help You In The Academic Writing Process

Academic Writing Process

Academic writing is a clear, focused, concise, and evidence-based writing style. Some students feel that it is a boring process, while others take it as the most difficult and important part of academics. Thus, this article comes with a complete guide to help students understand the academic writing process. Understanding all the necessary things about the academic writing process, on one side, it is boosting students’ confidence and, on the other side, makes it interesting for those who feel it is a boring task.

How Do You Write Good Academic Writing?

Academic writing is different from other writing styles in a few ways. The major planning, drafting and editorial steps are more or less similar. However, good critical thinking, formal writing tone, quality research, and clarity in supporting details are some qualities that help in good academic writings. Critical thinking is all about using your abilities to reason something.

Formal writing tones suggest the writer to use objective, impersonal and precise language in academic writing. Quality research includes the identification of facts and theories and establishing their connection with the topic of interest. Last but not the least, clarity is another important quality of a good academic draft. Clarity helps in greater penetration of a study in public. Thus, for good academic writing, you need to focus on clarity, critical analysis, tone, and research. There are best assignment writing services available to provide you help in this regard.

What Is The Academic Writing Process?

The academic writing process is not a straightforward writing process. Rather, it is more concerned with gathering knowledge about a given topic. In academic writing, students have to show what knowledge they gathered from learning a course. The academic writing process like other writing processes also consists of some steps.


Research is a process of understanding and finding information about the topic of interest. In academic writing, the research process must be aligned to the module and assignment brief. Through research, you can find the most relevant facts and figures to fulfil the assignment criteria. 


Planning is the process of thinking about the action to achieve a goal. Mind mapping and brainstorming are the steps that can make the planning step of the academic writing process easier. Moreover, planning helps the academic writer to better structure the assignment, and it also works to make it more informative.


The third step in the academic writing process is writing or drafting in another word. Generally, writing is the process of conversion of a thought into a composition. Thus, brainstorming, mind mapping and researching are all the pre-composition steps that aim to bring fluency in the writing process.


No academic assignment or dissertation can be completed without considering some finalising steps. Thus, finalising steps eliminate spelling, grammatical and other issues from a draft before submission.

Hence, in the academic writing, the first two steps work for improving the assignment conceptually and contextually. Besides, the third one aims to produce a high-quality composition in the light of well-organised and well-researched thoughts. The academic writing process ends on a final revision and editing to submit an error-free copy to a tutor.

What Are The Seven Steps Of The Writing Process?

The writing process means different for different individuals. The discipline, the area of interest, the time requires for completing a task, and tasks specification all have a great effect on the writing process. Still, we can divide the writing process into seven general steps.


Planning, in other words, is the pre-writing stage in an academic writing process. It guides a student to gather all necessary information about a topic before writing. In this phase, one should research to find the right direction necessary to complete a task. Here, you must search the headlines, keywords, theories, and other relevant concepts. It also contains the drafting and structuring guidelines for an assignment.      

Knowing The Audience

Knowing the audience is another important stage in the academic writing process. Knowing the audience does not mean that you have to personally contact the field experts. Rather, here you just need to clear your perception that to whom your work is going to address. It deals with the right selection of words and tone for an academic task.   


No doubt, a well-developed outline and good research help us in completing this phase with great ease. In drafting, you need to cite information in the already developed structural framework. Moreover, you have the choice to start with any structural element. For example, in many cases, it is advisable to start with the main body of the assignment; it will help in making a more interactive introduction and conclusion.


The evaluation itself is a multi-stage process. It accesses different aspects of an academic task. Like in the very early stage, it aims to access whether a task is completed under the umbrella of the guidance provided. If it is, then it locates the credibility and reliability of the facts or information used to support an argument. In the end, ethical consideration and other biasness related issues are evaluated in a task.  


Some writing processes consider revision and editing parts of a single step. But they can also stand alone. Every single correction in a first draft is a subject of revision. In revision, reconsideration about information, the selection of more sophisticated tone and changes in other drafts’ elements are considered to improve quality.


Editing is the second-last step in the academic writing process. The first draft of an assignment is just for you, but after editing, you can present it to others as well. Editing helps you in achieving excellence in academics.


Publishing is an act of making something available to the public. Yet, not all academic writing processes end in publishing. Rather, many academic works end on getting good grades. Still, publishing is important for those who work for fame.

Final Thoughts

The writing process and academic writing process are more or less similar, except the latter is more concerned about the authenticity and validity of the research work. In academic writing, research, referencing, analysis, and many other elements are vital. Thus, a simple writing process does not necessarily need research. Finally, personal opinions and the evolution of facts are vital elements in the academic writing process.