Home Digital Marketing What Are The Organic Methods To Increase YouTube Video Likes?

What Are The Organic Methods To Increase YouTube Video Likes?

Organic Methods To Increase YouTube Video Likes

We all know how tough it can be to build a large following on YouTube. That’s why it should be no surprise that YouTube is one of the most difficult websites to stay at the top. Over 4.7 billion videos are uploaded daily, and only a tiny percentage make it into the ranks of top video programs. Moreover, 3 out of 5 people who watch an online video never click “like” for fear that their audience will view their channel as fake. Although, you can buy YouTube likes online but here we illustrate some organic methods to increase YouTube video likes.

Be Unique

The more you try to be the same as others, the harder it is to promote your videos. You should replace the practice of copying other videos and make them a little more personable. Your videos should cater to a niche you already have an audience for, such as cooking or fashion. You can make some different mashups of two or three ideas, which bloggers like to use these days.

You can also consider using a unique product. For instance, musicians who use unique equipment will have the edge over others because their music will sound different from everyone else. It might not be what you would expect from most musicians, but it works for them in getting likes on YouTube videos.

Tell a Story

This is another thing that will make your video stand out from the rest of the garbage on YouTube. While people like watching funny videos, some people would rather watch something that inspires them.

There are many ways to do this; you can make a “how to” video, or if you’re an actor or model, try improvising and acting with someone in your video. If you’re not good at acting, maybe you can post a tribute video to someone or something.

Use Music

Music videos on YouTube have an advantage over the ones on traditional TV because viewers can choose to watch them right away, without the slow-loading advertisements. People will be more inclined not to skip the ads and watch the entire video if it’s accompanied by quality music.

If you want to use music in your video, you must contact a popular musician with a large fan following. They might be willing to play your video for free if they know how many views it gets from their followers.

Put your Name/Brand on It

If you want people to remember your video, don’t display it without being branded as yourself or your company, for that matter. Everyone has unique names, making it hard to remember someone’s name if they have a lot of similar-sounding names. If you take this approach, you must include your name before the video.

Use a Graphic

This is the right way to do it if you want to put your brand at the top and draw in more viewers. Many content creators do this for their YouTube videos today, whether it’s filmmakers or beauty bloggers who like doing makeup and fashion. You can use banners, or if you’re a video blogger, you can use graphics that enhance your video in some way.

You can also use a graphic to put your name on the video. Just go to Fiverr and hire a graphic designer to do it for you. You can customize your own graphic for about $5, which is why many YouTubers prefer this branding method.

Use SEO Content With Hashtag

If your video has some good SEO content, it will keep viewers watching the entire video until the end because the content is always changing and evolving. Try to make each sentence relate to one another and try not to have too big of a variety when it comes to subjects.

You can use hashtags to promote your video and make it easier for people to find you in search engines. However, this doesn’t mean you should use hashtags over five words or so. You can even create your own hashtag, as long as it’s catchy enough for people to remember it and post with every video they upload on YouTube.

Use Annotations and Create a Podcast

If you’re more of a blogger who wants to stick with online videos without the hassle of taking pictures or editing them, then you can always use annotations. These are like banners you put on YouTube that tell viewers about other videos or products they might be interested in buying. You can use them on the bottom or top of your videos.

A lot of people have started using podcasts to make money by recording educational videos and selling them one at a time. You can create your own podcast and use it to promote your main channel and make some extra cash. This will help you connect with other bloggers and make it easier for viewers to learn new things daily.