Home Digital Marketing 8 Ways To Make Your Blockchain Project Stand Out

8 Ways To Make Your Blockchain Project Stand Out


Standing out has become quite a dilemma for many blockchain projects out there. The cut-throat competition and new entrants in the market are making it increasingly difficult for companies to shine and gain the attention of their target audience. 

In this highly competitive environment, how can you ensure that your blockchain project isn’t surpassed and outshined by others out there? The way to stand out is through finding the right ways and techniques to get to the top. 

Today, we have compiled our list of ways to make your blockchain project appear unique. Let’s take a look at strategies to strengthen your company’s identity and USP. 

How to make your blockchain project stand out

Making your blockchain project stand out can truly be a daunting task in this seemingly infinite number of blockchain companies out there. In such cases, a blockchain pr agency does help in streamlining strategies to stand out. To assist you in achieving recognition among customers, go through the following list. 

Be unique

Without your USP in place, customers won’t get to know what is different about your blockchain company. How will potential customers be able to figure out what benefits are your products and services providing them? For this reason, crafting a unique selling point (USP) for your organization will give you the upper hand in appearing more distinctive. 

It doesn’t end here. A well-established USP will come to be advantageous for your company as it will assist in enhancing your marketing, advertising, sales, and promotional materials. 

The USP of your company should be a predominant factor in attracting your customer base and ultimately driving your company’s revenue. 

If you are unsure whether your USP is effective enough to make you stand out from your competitors, then a great tip would be to try and ask your clientele. Their response would give your blockchain company an idea of whether it is good to go or not. 

Find out your competitor’s USP 

On the topic of USP comes another crucial facet of it, and that is analyzing your competitor’s USP. Evaluating their USP gives you the opportunity of figuring out whether your products and services are at par or even greater than what they are offering. 

This becomes especially significant as competitors would likely try and outperform your USP. For example, if your blockchain company announces a new upgrade, your competitors would try their best to overshadow it and bring out a similar one in the following year. Get the point? 

Focus on consistent branding 

It is essential for your blockchain company to follow a consistent branding mechanism across all channels. It is often said that a brand’s first impression is built just within the first ten seconds, making it important for organizations to stand out through their branding.  

Think of it like this, when we look at famous logos of renowned companies, we are able to distinguish them from their competitors immediately. This is because they have established themselves as being reliable and professional. 

Offer satisfactory customer support

It may come as a surprise, but customer support has become a dominant factor in a company’s image. A single bad customer experience will have a detrimental effect on your blockchain project. 

If customers are unsatisfied with your customer support, you might lose out on a prospective customer while your competitor would have just gained one. To be honest, no company can afford this, as we are aware of how competitive the blockchain space has become. 

Hence, customer support should be a primary priority of companies today as it has become essential in retaining customers. 

Build your online presence

Yes, you need to jump on the bandwagon and build a solid online presence. Whether this is through website blogs and informational articles, social media platforms, or forums, being online will get the attention of your target audience. 

It’s pretty simple. How will customers find your company if it can’t be found anywhere in this digitalized world? Online presence involves setting the right image of your company online and building trust among your customers.

Here you can answer their queries and provide valuable information and updates. Customers would look forward to the content presented by your company which can garner great attention towards your project. 

Utilize SEO techniques to drive traffic  

Leading to our next point is utilizing SEO techniques. Now, you may have heard of this highly popular buzzword- search engine optimization but what does it hold for your business? 

The thing is, SEO plays a major role in making your company stand out among a wider audience. Through optimizing SEO, your company’s website is displayed as one of the top searches. So when a potential customer enters a query relating to your company, your website can show up as the top results, which can drive quality traffic and clicks. 

Your company would become more known, and users would click on your website, increasing your visibility. 

Build a reward system

Building customer loyalty is challenging. To address this concern, many businesses have devised a reward system. Customers are more likely to stay loyal to a company if they have a loyalty program, according to 83% of consumers.

Offering rewards would want them to keep coming back to your business which is a great strategy to not only retain customers but spread the word of your company through word-of-mouth marketing. Providing such unique reward systems would gain more attention from other customers too. 

Solidify your marketing efforts

If your blockchain company lacks practical marketing efforts, the audience will likely forget it. Answer questions such as: 

  • Who is your target audience?
  • Do your organization’s goals align with your customers’ goals?
  • What marketing channels are garnering the most interactions?

Asking yourself a set of questions would provide a strong base to build your marketing strategy. 


Now that we are at the end of our list, it’s time for your blockchain company to take the necessary action. We mentioned basic ways to make your company stand out, such as being unique and solidifying your marketing efforts but note that you need to try out all sorts of methods to evaluate which ones work best.