Home Tech Complete Manual for Conceal SSID of Wavlink AC600 Territory Extender

Complete Manual for Conceal SSID of Wavlink AC600 Territory Extender


The SSID of a Wavlink AC600 extender would one say one is of the most charming variables for unapproved clients, right? In the event that you have hardly any familiarity with unapproved clients, then, at that point, realize that they are freeloaders who access your Wavlink wifi extender setup web association through its SSID. In any case, imagine a scenario in which we let you know that you can forestall this unapproved admittance to your extender. Indeed, you read it right. You ought to think about concealing its SSID. Doing so will make it imperceptible from each organization list inside its reach in this manner keeping freeloaders at a narrows.

Indeed, you ought to have gotten it done just subsequent to finishing the Wavlink AC600 arrangement process. In any case, it’s slow on the uptake, but still good enough. This article is tied in with concealing the SSID of your Wavlink range extender. The main exertion expected from your end is the cautious execution of each and every guidance referenced here.

Essentials to Conceal Wavlink AC600 SSID

I. An Ethernet Link

With regards to completing any movement connected with Wavlink extenders, an Ethernet link is the primary thing you ought to get your hands on. On the off chance that conceivable, attempt to approach two or three Ethernet links. No one can tell when any of them quits working and you get coincidentally found any issues in the midst of the cycle.

II. A Power Attachment

The manner in which a vehicle needs fuel, your Wavlink AC600 requests power to work. A power attachment will fill this need. Nonetheless, you are not encouraged to continue utilizing a harmed power attachment. Utilizing it might just build the gamble of equipment harm to your extender.


You can’t get to the Wavlink extender arrangement wizard without putting an internet browser to utilize. For this, no other choice can be preferable over utilizing a PC. Yet, you want to guarantee that the PC isn’t working on an obsolete operating system form.

IV. Login Certifications of Wavlink AC600

Concealing the SSID of the Wavlink AC600 territory extender expects you to sign in to it. For this, you really want to keep the default secret key of the Wavlink extender convenient. The default Wavlink WiFi extender login certifications can be check through the extender’s client manual. In the event you have transformed it subsequent to finishing the arrangement methodology, try to utilize the refreshed Wavlink login secret word.

The second you satisfy the previously mentioned necessities, you can continue to conceal the SSID of your Wavlink AC600 territory extender. This is the way.

How to Conceal Wavlink AC600 Extender SSID?

I. Power Up the Extender

Embed the power connector of your Wavlink AC600 gadget into a plug. Be that as it may, assuming your extender’s structure factor is fitting and-play, you can straightforwardly interface it to the attachment. Ensure that there are no power variances in your territory.

II. Interface Your Wavlink AC600 and Switch

Just in the wake of driving up your Wavlink AC600, you need to snag in the Ethernet link into play. Make a wired association between the two gadgets with its assistance. You should lay out a finger-tight association. In the event that you’re not in that frame of mind to go with a wired source, take the assistance of a remote one. Be that as it may, you want to put your WiFi gadgets at an ideal distance for this situation.

III. Open an Internet Browser

The following stage in line to conceal the Wavlink AC600 extender’s SSID is to stack an internet browser. Which is your number one program? Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox? Is it Apple Safari? Don’t sweat it. The second you open the internet browser, embed the default URL wifi.wavlink.com into the location field and press the Enter key.

Note: Some Wavlink WiFi extender models additionally support the ap.setup URL. Hence, continue solely after guaranteeing the right web address of your Wavlink AC600 territory extender.

IV. Perform Wavlink Login

Squeezing Enter will open the Wavlink range extender login window for you. There, you really want to enter the secret phrase of your Wavlink AC600 and select the language. Once finished, continue by tapping the Login button. Consider switching off the Covers Lock key to stay away from the Wavlink extender secret phrase not working issue.

V. Conceal the SSID

Before long, you will end up on the wifi wavlink arrangement wizard. Presently, move to the WiFi tab. The window will move to the WiFi Settings page of your Wavlink AC600 extender. Find the SSID choice and flip the button to the Conceal position. Once finished, click the Apply button.

In a moment, you will find that the SSID of your Wavlink AC600 territory extender isn’t appearing on any organization list. Indeed, that is a positive sign. You’ve effectively stowed away the SSID of your WiFi gadget.


Concealing the SSID of a Wavlink extender is a definitive method for keeping WiFi desperados under control. It is normal that subsequent to perusing this post you will actually want to conceal the Wavlink SSID with practically no problem. In the event that indeed, we need to praise you on the fruitful finishing of the cycle. Presently, you can partake in the administrations of your Wavlink AC600 extender without agonizing over freeloaders.