Home Business Cosplay Shopper: Five Cosplay Conventions in the world that everyone should explore

Cosplay Shopper: Five Cosplay Conventions in the world that everyone should explore


Introduction :

Cosplay, which is also known as ‘costume play, is the art of dressing yourself as your favorite character. Characters from Movies, video games, anime, fairy tales, cartoons, and folklore are mostly preferred for cosplay events. Usually, the costume play events range from small party events to grand conventions. In the Cosplay meet, the attendees gather up to show off their costume and their crafting skills. The best dressed up costumes are photographed and compete to choose the outstanding one. Los Angeles, the United States, and Japan are some of the places where grand cosplay conventions are held. Come on! Let’s explore some of the famous cosplay conventions around the world!! Buy capturing costumes using Cosplay Shopper Coupon Codes and captivate the cheerful crowd!

The world Cosplay summit :

The World Cosplay Summit, also known as WCS is a grand cosplay event conducted in Japan every year. It is the best and most participated cosplay convention held worldwide. The event usually starts with a Red carpet ceremony and ends with the championship title. The points are calculated based on the theatrical act performed by the participants. Up to forty countries all around the world take part in this peculiar convention. It’s a Nine-day event hosted in Nagoya, Japan. The major welcomed costumes are manga, Japanese anime, and video games. As per History, Japan has been practicing the culture of cosplay festivals in the name of Otaku. So, do explore the world cosplay summit’s traditional convention to practice and enjoy Japanese Culture. Transform from zero to Hero! Grab Cosplay Shopper coupons to get the best price on your favorite hero costumes.

Anime Expo :

The anime expo is conducted as a yearly convention, which takes place at Los Angeles Convention center.  It is the grandest and biggest Anime Expo held around North America. In the past few years, anime and manga characters have played a vital role in cosplay events. The Great anime expo is usually conducted as a twenty-four-hour convention event. The anime expo gathers the entire United States to Los Angeles to enjoy the whole day of entertainment. Even some popular events such as concerts, music video contests, and fashion shows were held here. If you wanna spend your cosplay night in a cozy way, Visit the anime expo for the best experience. Be the Anime you want! Buy stunning costumes that suit your anime thirst. Visit the Cosplay shopper Deals website to get a cost reduction on your favorite anime outfit.


This great anime cosplay event is presented by Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association. This event is conducted for three days annually. Sakura-con was started by a group of anime fans who felt that there were not enough anime events. The first Con event was named Baka-con, held in Tukwila, Washington. The fund collected through this huge event was used for the Make a Wish Foundation and for Tsunami relief. For those people who wanna hang out and have fun, Sakura-con is the best event. They conduct anime game shows, art galleries, cosplay contests, fashion shows, 24-hour video theaters, and many more. Don’t miss out on the next event to have fun with your anime-freak friends. Hang out with your friends in creepy costumes! Explore The Cosplay Shopper sale to snatch a bunch of cosplay costumes at budget prices.

Gamescon (Germany): 

Gamescon is one of the largest con events for computer and video games held in Germany. This event has been held since 2018 by the Association of the German video game industry. It attracted gamers from all around the world. Many young gamers gather for this mind-blowing event every year. Famous games like Mafia II, Call of duty: Modern warfare 2, Tony Hawk: Shred, Royal quest, and many more are arranged. A set agenda is made for this event which comprises games, award shows, and a cosplay competition at the end. Gamescon is held for straight 6 days of entertainment. For 2022, the event took place in August with great venues and programs. If you are a gamer and if you have immense love for video games, do visit Gamescon! Be the ruler of the underground Mafia. Get bossy costumes at a minimal price using The Cosplay Shopper Discount Codes.


The comic convention in San Diego, California has been held every year since 1970. This was started by San Diego’s Golden State comic book convention group. This event is for comic fans held for four straight days during summer. They are one of the famous cosplay event conductors. There are exciting games, art conferences, awards shows that are ideal for Oscar, and more fun events for the fans. There are also Cosplay competitions with prizes for the winners. This event is totally for comic fans to spend their four days in pure joy. There’s also a pre-party night before the event begins. Are you a comic fan too? Then check the schedules for the comic con event and have a blast! So clutch your favorite Comic Character’s costume at the best price using The Cosplay Shopper Promo Codes.

Conclusion : 

The cosplay convention is conducted for people to exhibit their works and get photographed with their costumes. These events unleash the inner desire to dress up like our favorites and stay under the spotlight. So unleash your creativity and skills by making up yourself as a movie or anime character! Do Cosplay Shopper Shopping, to get amazing cosplay outfits. People tend to have a full-fledged fun session with their friends in this kind of event. At cosplay conventions, one can explore the comic and gaming world to their fullest desire. What are you waiting for? Book the tickets for the nearest famous cosplay event that is mentioned above. Explore your gaming skills, win awards for your costume, and get new ideas about the comic world. Most importantly get the latest news about the comic world at the convention events! Worried about an upcoming cosplay event? Don’t worry, Cosplay Shopper offers extraordinary costumes at the best rate!