Home Education Law New Medical Practice Checklist: How to Get Started

New Medical Practice Checklist: How to Get Started


Setting up a medical practice in Australia is not easy, and there are numerous things that you will have to consider for making a plan. To start a new medical practice checklist, you must make a perfect plan to help you grow in this field. Most small, independent, and private medical practices are quickly losing their efficiency, and large medical organizations are taking over them. 

So, it would be best if you put together a checklist for your new medical practice that will be effective. Here, in this article, you can find helpful information to get started with your medical practice checklist for preparing your healthcare, organizing your operations, etc. You may also need to make a general practice accreditation checklist for safety and quality patient care. 

What is a medical practice checklist?

Medical practice is generally referred to as a healthcare facility like a hospital or a clinic wherein a group of physicians will provide medical care for their patients. To start such a medical practice, you may need to plan and consider many things, like the type of medical practice you are planning to create, prepare a fee structure for different healthcare services, purchase supplies, hire professionals, etc. A medical practice checklist lists everything necessary to start a new medical practice. A medical practice checklist offers many benefits and will help your medical business run smoothly and efficiently. 

A guide for starting a new medical practice – medical practice checklist

When planning to start a new medical practice, the primary thing to consider is finding a suitable location. In Australia, you must get a medical license to begin practising medicine; thus, you must register your healthcare facility and obtain a permit. Since it is somewhat tricky, getting help from a medical practice lawyer for some steps is also a suitable method. Some of the essential things necessary while planning to start a new medical practice are mentioned below – the medical practice checklist. 

Start planning for the medical practice.

To start your planning, you must decide the type of medical practice you wish to operate. There are different ways to create the plan, like owning a sole proprietorship, starting it with a partnership, etc. It is entirely your choice to decide and choose one of them. In common, there are around five types of medical practices private practice, group practice, hospital-based, locum tenant, and large HMOs. So, you can decide the one that you are planning to start. 

Raise the necessary fund required for your medical practice and open a practice checking account

Applying for a loan is one of the best methods to raise funds for starting a medical procedure and maintaining it (using it as a secondary amount).

Make sure your medical practice complies with state and national laws in Australia.

A general practice accreditation checklist is required to meet minimum safety and quality standards. Your practice must fulfil all the available practice accreditation requirements. Apart from that, you must get a Medicare provider number and register your business with ATO.

Get medical malpractice insurance and seek advice from a medical practice lawyer if necessary.

You can take medical malpractice insurance, or you can take advice from a Professional medical practice lawyer too.

Prepare fee a schedule for all your healthcare services

Preparing a fee schedule involves listing all the healthcare services you plan to provide in your medical practice and charging each. You can check how nearby healthcare providers are charging in your area to get an idea.

Apply and get your credentials 

To get the credentials, the Australian Medical Board must verify your qualifications, and you have to make specific applications. 

Purchase all the medical supplies and other necessary equipment

In the next step, you can start purchasing all the required medical supplies, which include necessary medical tools, hardware, medical supplies, utility services, clothing, and furnishings. Apart from these items, software’s also essential for storing patients’ data, billing, etc. So, buy the right software that suits your needs. You can also get IT to support your medical practice and organise things quickly. 

Set up the human resources department and hire qualified staff

You can decide the number of staff you need for your medical practice and set up an HR department. The staff requirement primarily depends on the type and size of medical practice you plan to start. Recruiting staff also involves providing them with the necessary training and informing them about the security features like patient privacy. 

Prepare to advertise your medical practice.

After successfully setting up your medical practice, the final step is advertising and promotion. Since you are starting a new practice promoting it is necessary. It would help if you also enabled the advancement of medical practice online (via websites) for better results. 

Planning to start a new medical practice is complex, and you must consider many things. It includes finding a location, getting a license, buying supplies, hiring staff, raising funds, etc. Getting help from a medical practice lawyer is also helpful in avoiding obstacles. Here you can find some guides for starting a new medical practice in Australia – medical practice checklist.