Home Business Packaging Ideas and Types for Small Businesses

Packaging Ideas and Types for Small Businesses


If you run a small business, every sale is vital.

Packaging Types

Think about the packaging you want and what type best represents your company’s image.

There are a variety of packaging options to choose from, including:

Cardboard Boxes: Light and durable, they are often used for packaging food and cosmetics.

Polyethylene Bags: Thin plastic bags used for packing things such as clothing and magazines.

Paper Bags: Retailers have recently adopted paper bags.; these bags are generally considered more environmentally friendly than plastic packaging options.

Fabric Bags: These are reusable and exude a luxurious feel.

Foil-lined Bags: These can be used for things like tea, and foil-lined coffee bags are great for keeping food fresh.

Glass Containers: They usually store items such as candles, cosmetics, and other items such as jam.

What Things Help You Stand Out from the Competition 

Consider the last purchase you made. What drew you to the product or company? Have you noticed how your perception has been influenced by appearance and packaging?

You probably bought the product because of the packaging style, not because you requested the specific product or brand.

An adequately designed package will make a statement and delight the customer, creating a memorable initial impression for your company. Creative designs should present your product perfectly, and imaginative ideas can help you stand out from the competition.


Consider what you want to get from the package. The first thing to consider is ensuring the packaging is safe for your product.

If so, you may consider adding a clear window to the package or thinking of something like a cardboard sleeve.


Color is an effective marketing tool that can change the perception of your brand image and influence the consumer’s buying decision. It is essential when choosing the colors you will use for packaging.

It’s also essential to ensure that your product is visible and that all text or other vital information is easily visible.


It’s easy to make the package a later idea, but it’s part of the brand. Make sure you use the colors, font, and tone of voice to keep your brand consistent. Remember that other people might see your packaging if someone decides to buy your product. This is a fantastic and often overlooked marketing tool.


I spoke briefly about the tone of voice before; however, think about what text you want to put on the package. You may also like to share your company’s story or product information.


Innovative packaging is guaranteed to stand out from the rest of the competition.

Can you think of creative ways to display your product or find a unique way to make your package more efficient? You can design containers to serve as a bowl or plates to pack food.

Packaging Ideas

Do you know the elements that make an effective packaging design? What can you do to implement these ideas in your packaging design?

See below for our packaging design ideas and options for small businesses.

The buyer of your product must understand who you are and what the company’s values ​​are through your packaging. If you offer luxury products, make sure the packaging is also luxurious. You may consider using metallic or darker colors and high-quality materials.

If your business focuses on respecting the environment, clearly state this in your marketing materials.

You can add logo stickers to identify product packaging and branding labels to show information about your product.

Must Consider Interior

When someone opens your product, you want to create an experience. If you do not take care of the inside package, this experience may occur suddenly.

A few minor details, such as an interior with contrasting colors and a little text, can make all the difference. You can also add small additional items, such as thank-you notes or a care leaflet, and even a QR code that will direct users to your mailing list or website.

Customize your packaging

Do you use generic shipping boxes? Custom packaging boxes with your logo will help improve the appearance of your boxes and include your logo. You can also use the address label with your logo and other postage tags.

Everyone wants to feel distinct. Customizing the packaging can allow customers to feel exactly the way they do.

For many giant corporations, personal touch may not be possible; however, as a small-scale business, you can use it to your advantage and give your company an advantage.

You can add custom printed address labels using the variable data feature. This allows you to print various information on individual labels.

Go Environmentally Friendly

Sustainable packaging is becoming increasingly popular, and companies are looking to become more environmentally friendly.

The cardboard comes in multiple finishes and colors to suit your preferences and can also be printed. The paper can be used as a filler. If you choose the opposite shade for your box, you can add a splash of color to your package.

Our kraft paper labels and tags are ideal for enhancing your cardboard packaging and giving your brand an authentic, handmade look.

Allow Customers to Reuse or Recycle Packaging

Making packaging that customers will use again is a great way to increase the value of your product and business.

Your products may be packed in canvas bags with your company logo. This way, when customers use the bag, they also advertise your company.

Can you sell homemade jam? Encourage customers to reuse glass jars by removing the label from the jar and storing it in pantry food or making an arrangement container to display flowers.

Smart Packaging Design

Innovative design can be a great way to sell products. If the packaging for your product is fun or introduces you to the original product, it is more likely to attract attention.

Add Packaging Inserts

Be sure to add supplements to your product packaging to give the customer a lasting impression. Could you create thank you cards or other stickers in the package? It is also possible to include a set of stickers so that customers can customize their products.

If your product needs maintenance, you can include the product with a package insert or sticker that contains care instructions or tips. If you offer drinks or food, you may include recipe cards inside the package.

Add Discount Code or Promotional Text

Small-scale businesses depend on repeat and loyal customers. Your packaging can encourage customers to interact with your company and increase sales.

You may also offer discounts to customers who subscribe to your email list.

Add Labels or Tags

Custom packaging is not usually a viable option for small businesses. To overcome the cost, buy the packaging off the shelves and personalize it using high-quality labels and tags.

You can also add logo stickers to promote branding, barcode labels, and retail stickers to show prices and product information.

Create Relevant Packaging

Are you looking to have some fun in your packaging? You can create themed packaging to celebrate special occasions, seasons, or types of products.

At Christmas, you can keep your current packaging style; however, you can add a festive design and change the brand’s color with something positive, such as green and red, or a Christmas-themed material.

Prefer Use of Fabric Packaging

Wrapping product in a fabric bag is ideal for items such as soaps and cosmetics. Fabric packaging adds a luxurious look to your items and is relatively inexpensive.

You can use fabric scraps to create your packaging and patterns to make your product look.

Consider the Budget

Good packaging does not cost a fortune, and maintaining lower packaging costs is crucial for every small business.