Mohs Surgery is a therapeutic alternative for skin tumors that includes histological control of the surgical margins of the tumor prior to reconstruction. On the contrary, with conventional surgical techniques, removed the tumor and reconstructed the affected area immediately afterwards. Thus it offers best treatment at best Skin specialist in Abu Dhabi.
Carried out the study of the sample was by making a longitudinal and a transversal cut. So, that it only measured two axes. This traditional method left several edges unanalyzed.
his technique ensures total removal of the tumor and favors maximum preservation of healthy tissue. It considerably increases the cure rate of conventional surgery, which is why it has become the treatment of choice for forms of skin cancer with high rates of recurrence.
Results Of Participated In A Hosted A Symposium
Last Friday I was lucky enough to be able to participate in a hosted a symposium on Friday about the latest scientific developments in the fight against skin cancer. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to participate in it to protect your skin from pollution During my presentation, I discussed the top ten reasons why Mohs surgery is the most effective surgical treatment for skin cancer.
Treatment Of Microscopically Eradicate the Tumor
This treatment is summarized as microscopically controlling the margins intraoperatively in order to completely eradicate the tumor with the narrowest possible margin. It indicates for high-risk tumors in high-risk areas, primarily on the face.
List Of the Top 10 Reasons
The following is a list of the top 10 reasons:
- When we operate on a patient, it is of the utmost interest that the tumor does not come back, and we know that when we follow patients for several years, the probability of the tumor recurring is much lower with this technique. This technique has the best recurrence rate for carcinomas. – When we operate on a patient, it is of the utmost interest that the tumor does not come back.
Preserves Tissue In Delicate Regions:
thanks to this method, we may spare a smaller portion of the patient’s good skin, and it is much simpler to steer clear of deformity or even computations.
- It is the method of choice for treating locally invasive cancers
Highly invasive tumors, such as cutaneous sarcomas, are notoriously difficult to treat, even when extremely wide margins are employed. Therefore, we observe that the rate at which these very aggressive tumors return it is also lower when we delay the Mohs surgery.
Uncommon Tumors:
there are certain very rare cancers for which we do not have sufficient scientific information on how to treat them; in these cases, Mohs surgery can provide both the patient and the doctor with a sense of relief. – Mohs surgery gives peace of mind to both the patient and the doctor.
Try To Avoid Unpleasant Surprises:
occasionally, when we begin a Mohs surgery, we find that we have a surgical defect that is far greater than we anticipated. If we had performed a conventional operation, there is little doubt that we would have left a tumor, which would have been a significant challenge for the patient.
Because We Have Free Margins,
we are able to do the most suitable reconstruction without worrying that it would have any kind of oncological damage. – It enables intricate closures.
- Less wear and tear:
a study that was conducted in the United States in 2021 found that Mohs surgeons have more resilience and can adapt better to stressful situations. This is also something that is beneficial for patients, as we would all prefer to be treated by a physician who has not been burned in the past.
It Is Economical:
studies have shown that even if it is a procedure that costs more than a straightforward operation, it still pays off in the long run, both for the individual patient and for the overall healthcare system, because it prevents the need for further treatments and consultations.
Dermo-Scopey Or Focused Microscopy:
Mohs surgery continues to evolve and adopt new methods, such as dermo-scopy, focused microscopy, or augmented reality, in order to increase its efficacy and efficiency at an ever-increasing rate. This combination works extremely well to complement one another.
Increased Levels Of Patient Satisfaction:
to summarize, with Mohs surgery, we are able to achieve a narrow initial margin, which leads to a better cosmetic result. Additionally, we fully evaluate the edges of the surgical site, which enables us to be certain that the tumor has been removed on the same day as the procedure.
Mohs Surgery is indicated in those skin tumors, usually basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, that have recurred after previous treatments. It is also effective in high-risk areas, such as the regions of the face where the tumors are more aggressive (sides of the face, eye contour, and nasal pyramid), in other special tumors, such as the morpheiform and infiltrating variants of epithelioma.
basal cell; in tumors larger than two centimeters and in immunocompromised patients. Likewise, other skin tumors, such as dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and some forms of melanoma, are subsidiaries of this type of surgery as the first choice.
In the long run, increased serenity because we are aware that the likelihood of his return is significantly lower now than it was before.
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