Home Finance The Ins and Outs of Insurance: What You Need to Know

The Ins and Outs of Insurance: What You Need to Know


When it comes to insurance, there are plenty of myths out there. Some people think they don’t need any kind of coverage at all and others believe that the more you pay for your policy, the better it must be. But these are not true! To help you navigate the ins and outs of insurance, here’s a guide to understanding everything from what exactly insurance is to how much it costs.


Insurance is simply a contract between you and an insurance company that provides coverage for you in the event of an accident or loss. The most common types of insurance include car, home, and life insurance. These contracts can be purchased from either private or state-owned companies (or a combination of both).

Income Protection Insurance Ireland Protects you from financial loss if something unexpected happens to you or your property. It provides financial assistance in case an unavoidable event occurs such as injury or damage to your house due to fire or flooding. As long as there are no issues with the policy such as lack of disclosure about pre-existing conditions or exclusions for certain activities (like skydiving), then it’s designed to protect everyone who has ever paid their premiums on time!


You’ve probably heard the term “insurance” tossed around on TV shows, in movies and from friends. But what exactly does it mean? And how do you know if you need insurance for your car or home?

The answer is simple: if something bad happens to your property or person, insurance will help cover the costs involved. You can think of it as being like an umbrella—rain or shine, you’ll be covered.

The best way to understand what kind of coverage you need is by understanding which types are available and deciding which ones will work best for your situation.


How much you pay for your insurance policy depends on a number of factors. Your age, your driving history and the type of car you drive all factor into what is known as your risk profile. Risk profiles are calculated by insurance companies using the same data to determine how likely it is that an individual will file a claim or cause an accident. For example, someone who owns an older car with fewer features and a higher mileage than other vehicles may pay less for auto insurance than someone who drives a new vehicle with more safety features. As another example: if one person has three speeding violations in the last five years and another has not had any violations during that time period, then the second person would likely have their rates lowered due to their better record compared to their counterpart’s worse one.


When an accident occurs, the first thing you should do is call your insurance company. This way, they can begin gathering information about your accident and start getting things set up to handle it.

When you call them, let them know what happened and give them as much detail as possible. Tell them if there were any injuries involved (and how severe) and whether or not anyone went to the hospital. You may also need to contact the police if the accident was serious enough that someone called 911 for help.

If for some reason you can’t get through on the phone, leave a message with all of this information so that your claims adjuster has everything he/she needs from you when they call back!


To explain the concept of excess, we’ll use an example from the world of car insurance.

Let’s say you have a $1000 excess on your policy. This means that if your car is damaged in an accident and you are at fault for it, you will only be liable for paying $1000 towards the repair costs. The insurer will pay the rest. Your insurer may also offer additional benefits such as rental cars or emergency accommodation while they fix your vehicle if they deem it necessary to do so.

What happens if there is more than one driver involved in an accident? Will each person be responsible for their own share of repairs? No -it would be impossible to determine how much damage was caused by each individual driver! In this case, all drivers will usually make claims against each other through their insurers unless specific details about who was actually responsible can be agreed upon by all parties involved. The same applies when there are more than two vehicles involved in an incident: each party will make a claim against their own insurer unless there are witnesses who can testify which vehicle was actually responsible for causing harm or injury to another party’s property (i .e., someone saw them driving dangerously).


If you’re looking to buy Income Protection Insurance Ireland, one of the first things you’ll want to know is what excess means. Basically, this is the amount of money that you have to pay out of your own pocket in case of an emergency or disaster.

Excess can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments over time. It’s typically a small percentage of the total cost of your claim—for example, if your policy has an excess limit of $500 and you have a claim for $1,000 worth of damage caused by water leakage from your roof during heavy rainstorms (not uncommon at all), then most likely only $100 will come out from your pocket before any insurance coverage kicks in. This can help reduce some financial stress for those affected by natural disasters as well as make sure they have enough money on hand until their claims are approved and paid out by insurers.

The good news is that there are several ways around paying these fees:


As you can see, insurance can be complicated. But it’s worth your time to learn about it so that you can make informed decisions about what type of coverage is best for you and your family.

  • Shop around when choosing an insurer. You may be surprised by how much money a good deal would save you!
  • Make sure that the policy covers everything that’s important to you and anyone else covered under the plan (like pets).
  • Check if there are any unnecessary or excluded items being paid for by the current provider. For example, some policies don’t cover accidental damage caused by a pet but others do include this as standard – so check before signing up!


If you are renting a car, the cost of damage caused by your negligence will be covered by your insurance policy. However, if you are renting a car, you will still have to pay the excess as well as any other fees that result from the damage. In addition to these costs, some rental companies may charge a deposit or require additional insurance coverage beyond what is required by law.

Use this guide to make sure you’re covered properly and paying the right amount of money.

Use this guide to make sure you’re covered properly and paying the right amount of money. It will help you understand insurance, how it works, and how to get a better deal on it.

  • Make sure your coverage is adequate. If there are things that are excluded from your policy, add them back in by increasing your deductibles or changing other terms of the policy.
  • Research online for cheaper alternatives or for companies with better customer satisfaction ratings than yours (e.g., JiffyLube vs Valvoline). If there aren’t any options available locally, call around to other cities where prices may be lower; then make arrangements with a local provider if necessary (e.g., use an auto repair shop near home instead of flying out-of-state).


I hope that this guide has helped you understand the ins and outs of insurance. If you’re ever unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help!