Bipolar disorder can be a lifelong mental health problem that primarily affects your mood. It affects how you feel and your mood can change dramatically. You can experience the episodes:
- mania
- Depression.
You can feel good between these times. When your mood changes, you may see changes in your energy level or the way you act. Bipolar psychiatrist near me advice that the symptoms of bipolar disorder can be severe. They can affect areas of your life such as work, school, and relationships. You usually develop bipolar disorder before your 20s. It can develop later in life but rarely develops after age 40.
Symptoms of Bipolar Disorders
Mania Symptoms;
- Abnormally positive, nervous, or wired.
- Increased activity, energy, or excitement.
- An inflated sense of well-being and self-confidence.
- Reduced need for sleep.
- Unusual talkativeness.
- Racing thoughts.
- Distractibility.
- Bad decision-making.
Depression Symptoms;
Depressed mood, such as feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or crying (in children and adolescents, depressed mood may appear as irritability).
- A marked loss of interest or feeling of no pleasure in all – or almost all – activities.
- Either insomnia or oversleeping.
- Either restlessness or sluggish behaviour.
- Fatigue or loss of energy.
- Reduced capability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness.
- Thinking about, planning, or attempting suicide.
Warning Signs of Bipolar Disorders
Here are;
Irritable Mood:
During a manic phase, some people feel euphoric, others talk nonstop, and some develop irritability. The clue is that their mood is a radical exit from the norm.
Decreased Need for Sleep:
Sleep distraction is the main symptom of bipolar disorder. Manic cycles of bipolar disorder are typically characterised by increased energy levels in a person and can affect regular sleep routines. Some people may only sleep 4-5 hours during a manic phase, which can lead to other health problems over time.
Restlessness and Agitation:
Another symptom of bipolar disorder, again associated with the peaks of the manic phase, is visible restlessness and agitation, which may include an inability to sit still, tapping fingers, being easily irritated, or suddenly starting or stopping tasks. For many people diagnosed by bipolar disorder specialists ohio cleveland, this restlessness will feel like an anxious restlessness that is difficult, if not impossible, to control.
Change in Appetite:
Bipolar disorder can result in significant changes in eating and sleeping habits. It can either be overeating or not eating at all. We already mentioned the reduced need for sleep, but a person can also suffer from extreme fatigue or spend the whole day in bed, especially during a depressive cycle.
Types of Bipolar Disorders
Bipolar 1:
To have bipolar I, a person must adventure through manic episodes. For an affair to be considered a manic episode, it must:
- include changes in mood or behaviour that are different from the person’s usual behaviour.
- being present most of the day, almost every day during the episode.
- to last at least 1 week, or be so extreme that the person needs immediate hospital care.
People with bipolar I usually also have depressive episodes, but a depressive episode is not necessary for a diagnosis of bipolar I. To be diagnosed with bipolar I, a person should not have another condition that could explain the symptoms.
Bipolar 2:
Bipolar II also includes high and low moods, but depressive symptoms are more likely to dominate and her manic symptoms are less severe. This less acute type of mania is known as hypomania.
To be identified with bipolar II disorder, a person must:
- have experienced at least one episode of major depression.
- had at least one episode of hypomania.
so they do not have another condition that could explain the symptoms.
Cyclothymic Disorder:
Cyclothymic disorder contains mood swings and converts similar to bipolar I and II, but the shifts may be less tidy. A person with the cyclothymic disorder will have symptoms of hypomania and episodes of depression for at least 2 years, or 1 year in children and adolescents.
Living with Bipolar Disorders
Bipolar disorder is a state of extremes. A person with bipolar disorder may not be aware that they are in a manic phase. They may be shocked by their behaviour after the episode is over. But at the time, they may believe that other people are negative or unhelpful.
Many people with bipolar disorder have more chronic and severe episodes than others. The extreme nature of this condition means that staying employed can be difficult and relationships can be strained. There is also an increased possibility of suicide.
During events of mania and depression, someone with bipolar disorder may experience strange sensations, such as seeing, hearing, or smelling things that are not there (hallucinations). They may also trust things that seem illogical to other people (delusions). These kinds of symptoms are known as psychosis or psychotic episodes.
Causes of Bipolar Disorders
Seasonal changes: Episodes of mania and depression are often seasonal. Manic episodes are more common during the summer, and depressive episodes are more common in the fall, winter, and spring.
Lack of sleep: Sleep loss—even just missing a few hours of rest—can trigger a manic episode.
Stress: Stressful life events can trigger bipolar disorder in someone with a genetic vulnerability. These events tend to involve drastic or sudden changes – whether good or bad – such as getting married, leaving for college, losing a loved one, getting laid off, or moving.
Substance abuse: While substance abuse does not cause bipolar disorder, it can cause an episode or worsen the course of the illness.
Treatment Basics
Bipolar disorder requires long-term treatment: Because bipolar disorder is a chronic, relapsing illness, it’s important to continue treatment even when you feel better. Most people with bipolar disorder need medication to prevent new episodes and remain symptom-free.
Treatment involves more than medication: Medication alone is usually not enough to fully control the symptoms of bipolar disorder. The most virtual treatment scheme for bipolar disorder involves a combination of medication, therapy, lifestyle changes, and social support.
Bipolar disorder is a corresponding common but serious mental health situation that involves changes in mood, energy levels, and attention, along with other symptoms. It can seriously disrupt a person’s life, but treatment can greatly improve the outlook.
Treatment may not eliminate mood swings, but working closely with a doctor can better manage symptoms and maximise the quality of life.