Home Education Best 6 Tips for IB Biology exam

Best 6 Tips for IB Biology exam

IB Biology exam and 6 tips to scoring a 7
IB Biology exam and 6 tips to scoring a 7

IB Biology Exam and 6 Tips to scoring A 7

IB Biology is a well-liked subject option. Many students enroll in this course. There is no special potion you can take to acquire good grades; instead, practice and study are the only things that can help you to achieve your goals. IB bio is really difficult, so it’s important to concentrate on your study strategy. In this write-up, we’ll provide you with six suggestions for acing your IB examinations.

1. Knowing the IB bio command terms:

Command phrases used in the IB Biology exam have nuanced but significant meanings. However, they clearly outline the format for your response as well as the level of detail required.

For instance, STATE is typically a one-point question because the answer can only be one word and there isn’t much area for other words. This means that an explanation is not required.

Another phrase, LIST, requests a succinct response; complete sentences are not required. Therefore, any extra time spent coming up with a more complex explanation will be useless.

One of the most popular terms in IB biology is COMPARE. It implies that the examiner must recognize BOTH the parallels AND the differences. Importantly, the response must also make reference to EVERYTHING you need to compare. This may be two or more. Give a detailed analysis of the similarities and differences between two (or more) things or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout, is how the Biology handbook defines it.

Make sure you understand the precise definitions of each before entering the exam room for your IB mock examinations.

2. Explain every bio term.

Define all biology words used in the question before beginning to write your answers to the short answer and extended response questions. Second, avoid cramming too many concepts into a single statement. Create distinct sentences for your ideas. You have to create a good format to answer a question. Because at last your presentation of content matters. So you can highlight every term while defining it. And in the end, can give some examples if requires.

3. Be wary of bio terms that appear to be similar but aren’t:

Now, that’s the thing where most students lost their marks. Because during exams you always have to rush. That’s how you ended up reading terms wrongly. For example the Nucleus and nucleolus. In a question, you have to define nucleus but because of the wrong reading, you define nucleolus instead of nucleus.

So, verify the spelling of every phrase. To remember these terms you can use flashcards or mind maps. And pasting them on the wall will help you to recall these terms daily.

Additionally, don’t repeat content. It is useless to state the same thought more than once because you only receive one mark for each concept or fact.

Therefore, you can fool yourself into thinking you have addressed all 4 issues with 4 different parts of the answer, but if it is repetitive, an examiner may possibly award significantly fewer points.

(Becoming familiar with the mark schemes from previous papers will also assist in determining the precise method of marking).

4. Pay attention to the scores for each question:

By doing this, you can then estimate how many points your response will need. And how much time a question needs. For example, In Every exam you have only 1 hour 30 minute if one question is 15 marks and another is 20, then you can break your time accordingly. You can give 45 minutes to attempt 20 marks questions and 35 minutes to attempt 15 marks. This will help you to manage time in an exam, and eventually, prevent you from mistakes that happen due to hurry.

5. Type each of your responses in the appropriate box:

This is an important point that you have to keep in your mind while writing an exam. According to the IB marking guide, responses that are written outside of the box may not be marked, therefore you don’t want to put in unnecessary effort. So it’s necessary to write an answer within the box.

6. Keep in mind these suggestions when creating diagrams.

When creating diagrams, be certain

  • They are just the right size to read, not too big, not too small.
  • Every label is legibly written.
  • When sketching closed shapes, there are no gaps.
  • You use black pencils and ink to write and sketch. Avoid using colored pencils or highlighters. The answers may be obscured by colored pencils and highlighters on some electronic-marked papers. Please take note that diagrams created outside of the allowed box won’t be marked.
  • Confirm that the shapes’ dimensions are accurate. For instance, the left ventricle must be thicker than the right ventricle when a representation of the human heart is being drawn.

Practice is the only way to earn 7 marks in IB bio exams. So you should start studying and preparing for your IB exams from day one. If you have any doubts, ask your teachers and clear them. Or you can get help from online educational websites like Tribe topper. Here you can get study material and proper guidance for your IB preparation