Home Fashion Rayon Fabric: Important Things You Must Know

Rayon Fabric: Important Things You Must Know


Rayon fabric is made of natural fibers but it is also used for blending to create new types of fabrics too. When we make rayon fabric from natural fibers, we have to go through some rigorous processes to get the best form of rayon. It was first created in the 1880s to make a fabric similar to silk. Silk prices are rising due to the scarcity of silk raw materials. There is a large variety of rayon used with other fabrics like cotton and linen as well as wool. In today’s time, a wide variety of natural and synthetic fibers are used with rayon for creating new fabric. 

What is Rayon fabric used for?

Rayon fabric is often used to make affordable clothing, jewelry, bags, and accessories. It is also used for making bedding, home decor, household textiles, furniture, and upholstery. Also, fashion designers and fabric designers use fabric rayon for affordable and trendy clothing. Rayon is affordable clothing and primary clothing at low prices. Rayon is also used for homeware, sportswear, suits, hats, drapes, towels, and bedsheets like other luxury and soft rayon fabrics cloth as a cheaper alternative.

Is rayon a polyester?

Rayon and polyester are different and man-made fabrics. Polyester is made from petrochemicals and rayon is made from the wood pulp of synthetic cellulosic fiber. Rayon polyester is made after the blending process to make dresses, shirts, pants, undergarments, hats, jackets, and sportswear. 

How to care for rayon fabric?

Rayon fabric can easily be washed and cared for. It can be washed in a washing machine with a cool wash setting temperature lower than 40 degrees celsius and a tumbling speed lower than 600 revolutions per minute. By using this fabric, you can limit pressure to reduce waste, natural resources, carbon emissions, and pollution. Pure rayon fabric can be cleaned and rinsed in cold water. To preserve the quality of rayon fabric, keep the temperature lower than 40 degrees. Don’t use strong detergent and avoid high spin speeds. Make sure that the washing speed does not exceed 600 revolutions per minute. 

Is Rayon Biodegradable?

Rayon is degradable but it might take between a few weeks to years depending on the manufacturing process used. If rayon is made from petroleum products like acrylic or nylon, it is not rayon. It requires lots of water, energy, and chemical industry processes. Rayon fabric is highly pollutant due to the excessive use of harmful chemicals that are not safe for humans and dangerous if released in a nearby environment. The semi-synthetic fibers are made with heavy treatments to make them stronger, softer, and more elastic. The biodegradability of rayon fiber in relevant environments is demonstrated by international standards and certification organizations like Vincotte or Din Carto.

Types of Rayon fabrics

  • Viscose Rayon
  • Modal fabric
  • Lyocell fabric
  • Specialty rayon blends
  • Polynosic rayon
  • Artificial silk
  • Cuprammonium rayon
  • Bamboo Rayon

Is Rayon eco-friendly?

Although, rayon is made from the wood pulp of cellulose fiber and is eco-friendly. But, sometimes it uses toxic chemicals like sulfuric acid, disulfide, acetone, ammonia, and caustic soda during the manufacturing process which can be harmful to the environment. Cellulosic fibers were also reported as microfibers in a 2011 study.

Sustainable alternative to Rayon

A better alternative to Rayon is Lyocell. Tencel is one such brand that is environmentally friendly cellulosic fiber produced sustainably. Tencel is made of cellulose from wood pulp and 99% is recyclable. The main ingredients of NMMO are easily regenerated and an affordable rayon fabric cloth. 


Rayon is used in a variety of ways for natural fibers and with synthetic fiber blends. Although it is a natural fabric, it is widely used as blended clothes with different fabric combinations. If you want to create a natural rayon, it might take years to create. But overall, rayon is a comfortable and easy-to-make fabric but the making process of it can be harmful to the near environment.